Monday, August 19, 2013

This is Why I'm an Atheist. Part 2.

In a previous post I wrote about why I'm an Atheist and said if I remembered anything else I would add it in a future post. Since I have, here it goes.

Immaculate conception

I am just going to throw it out there that I find the idea of immaculate conception makes no sense to me. I'm sorry but that anybody can believe somebody got pregnant without having sex makes zero sense. I'm telling you Mary had to have had sex with somebody. 
Let me also point out that the definition of immaculate is:

1. having no stain or blemish : pure

 containing no flaw or error

3a : spotlessly clean
3b : having no colored spots or marks <petals immaculate>

While the definition of conception is:

1a (1) : the process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both (2) : embryo, fetus
1b : beginning <joy had the like conception in our eyes — Shakespeare>
2a the capacity, function, or process of forming or understanding ideas or abstractions or their symbols
2b a general idea : concept
2c a complex product of abstract or reflective thinking
2d the sum of a person's ideas and beliefs concerning something
3 the originating of something in the mind
— con·cep·tion·al  adjective
— con·cep·tive  adjective

So if you take the meanings of these two words, Mary's process of becoming pregnancy via fertilization or implantation or both, was flawless. It says nothing about lack of sex in either definition. Not that it says anything about sex either, but the point is, it's all interpretation and the interpretation makes no sense to me. With immaculate they are describing the fertilization of Mary's egg as flawless, clean and blemish free, not sexless. Unless you think sex is dirty, but how else are we to populate the world? Oh wait we aren't. Adam and Eve got in trouble for having sex and doing so.

The Long Awaited Jewish Messiah.

So from this so called sexless conception, came Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the long awaited Jewish Messiah, and Jews are still waiting. Here is my question, are they waited for a baby to be born with a "Hello I am The Jewish Messiah" sticker on him or her? How will they know when this person will come?
Is somebody did come and say "I am the long awaited Jewish Messiah" or "I know that the Jewish Messiah is so and so." People would probably think they were crazy. They would probably be sent to the crazy house. 

Oh and One More thing (for now at least).
God and Jesus love you, unless...

I know many people have changed their views on Gays, including religious people. There are still people though who do believe being Homosexual, or anything but Heterosexual is wrong. I don't care what people's sexuality is. I believe people can love or marry whoever they want regardless of sex and gender. The idea that people can say God loves everyone, and so does Jesus, but then say that Homosexuality is a sin and hate them for it, well you are a Hypocrite, and I don't like you. Why would anybody want to associate with a bunch of Hypocrites?

Nobody reads this anyway

I write this blog as if there are people out there who read it, but nobody does. It's just me posting things I want to when I remember and not seen by anybody but me.

I get it, why would anybody care?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Through reading I have...

  1. Attended a secret school for wizards and defeated the most evil wizard of all time.
  2. Dealt with summer love in Colby.
  3. Had to deal with the decision to live or die.
  4. Fell in love with an immortal and became one myself
  5. Traveled throughout Europe on a mysterious adventure because of my late Aunt
  6. Had an affair with the boy next door.
  7. Lived the life of a professional ballerina.
  8. Lived in a society where I was told what was pretty and escaped to the Rusty Ruins.
  9. Attended Culver Creek Boarding School where my world changed.
  10. Fallen in love with a Vampire.
  11. Dealt with my sister developing cancer and my parents reactions to it
  12. Thought I killed a boy because I kissed him with peanut butter breath
  13. Questioned my society's rules on who to marry, how to live, and when to die.
  14. Found out the guy I dismissed may actually be the guy I want.
  15. Been apart of The Pretty Committee
  16. Had to chose to join a new faction or stay with my old, only to learn the world I thought I knew wasn't what I thought.
  17. Taken a road trip with my late brother's old friend due to the concert tickets he sent before he died and one last request.
  18. Uncovered a mystery linked a great loss in my town.
  19. Shared a pair of pants with my best friends over several summers.
  20. Rebelled against the procedure to deal with deliria.
  21. Traveled to a land filled with fairy tales characters on my own adventure.
  22. Convinced other girls to go on a sex strike to end a feud between the soccer and football teams.
  23. Been in a love triangle with two brothers from summer
  24. Called the ugly friend by a guy I couldn't stand, only to fall for him
  25. Dealt with a mystery blogger who posted about my friends and I.
  26. Had an all night adventure with the girl next door only to deal with her disappearance the next day.
  27. Went from battling others in an arena to be the last victor standing to a full on war against my country's leaders.
  28. Had a guy I didn't except show me what love really was, when I thought I knew based on my mother's fail of marriages.
  29. Became Infinite.
  30. Grew up with Alice.

And so much more.