Monday, August 12, 2013

Through reading I have...

  1. Attended a secret school for wizards and defeated the most evil wizard of all time.
  2. Dealt with summer love in Colby.
  3. Had to deal with the decision to live or die.
  4. Fell in love with an immortal and became one myself
  5. Traveled throughout Europe on a mysterious adventure because of my late Aunt
  6. Had an affair with the boy next door.
  7. Lived the life of a professional ballerina.
  8. Lived in a society where I was told what was pretty and escaped to the Rusty Ruins.
  9. Attended Culver Creek Boarding School where my world changed.
  10. Fallen in love with a Vampire.
  11. Dealt with my sister developing cancer and my parents reactions to it
  12. Thought I killed a boy because I kissed him with peanut butter breath
  13. Questioned my society's rules on who to marry, how to live, and when to die.
  14. Found out the guy I dismissed may actually be the guy I want.
  15. Been apart of The Pretty Committee
  16. Had to chose to join a new faction or stay with my old, only to learn the world I thought I knew wasn't what I thought.
  17. Taken a road trip with my late brother's old friend due to the concert tickets he sent before he died and one last request.
  18. Uncovered a mystery linked a great loss in my town.
  19. Shared a pair of pants with my best friends over several summers.
  20. Rebelled against the procedure to deal with deliria.
  21. Traveled to a land filled with fairy tales characters on my own adventure.
  22. Convinced other girls to go on a sex strike to end a feud between the soccer and football teams.
  23. Been in a love triangle with two brothers from summer
  24. Called the ugly friend by a guy I couldn't stand, only to fall for him
  25. Dealt with a mystery blogger who posted about my friends and I.
  26. Had an all night adventure with the girl next door only to deal with her disappearance the next day.
  27. Went from battling others in an arena to be the last victor standing to a full on war against my country's leaders.
  28. Had a guy I didn't except show me what love really was, when I thought I knew based on my mother's fail of marriages.
  29. Became Infinite.
  30. Grew up with Alice.

And so much more.

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